About us


We are proud of our past and strive to a successful future...

Armundia Factory is an ICT/BPO services company based in Tirana, focused on digital and technological innovation of companies and institutions belonging to any sector. It is entirely controlled by Armundia Group, a multinational tech company leading in digital platforms and specialised consultancy services for the innovation of the banking, financial and insurance market.
The skills are multi-industry and include the development of innovative information systems, advanced business intelligence, analytics and data mining solutions, CRM platforms, web portal, responsive apps, as well as highly qualified BPO services and the provision of assistance and maintenance services.


From 2015

From 2015, the year of its foundation, Armundia Factory pays constant attention to technological developments, to be at the forefront in the field of software development and maximize it’s results, consolidating in a short time the skills in the markings in which it operates.
In the first years of activity, it concentrates its core business in software development and competitive and innovative assistance, application management and help desk activities, providing to the customers a total service of IT systems management.
Subsequently with the constant growth, and certified by the appreciation of the customers, allows Armundia expanding the business services exponentially, leading to start up business and planning consultancy activities, supporting companies in the activities of defining IT strategies, managing projects and in the definition of functional architectures.

Armundia Factory proposes itself as a reliable and responsible partner, able to support its customers with a wide package of IT consulting services to innovate and implement IT infrastructures of any sector.

      Stavri Pici


Stavri Pici


Albanian by birth, Italian by adoption, Stavri Pici studied Computer Engineering and graduated with the highest grades at the La Sapienza University of Rome specializing in computer networks.

He began his professional career in Armundia in 2009 as an Analyst and Developer, an experience that allows him not only to test his technical skills, but also to coordinate groups of work and guaranteeing to the customers high standards of quality and efficiency. In 2015, as part of a strategic project of national and international growth, it comes deliberated the foundation of a software house in Albania, Armundia Factory , of which he comes appointed CEO.

Under his guidance, the company has grown steadily to become one of the best known Albanians software houses and sought after by young talents wishing to evolve in a business context very attentive to technological progress.

Stavri Pici
Stavri Pici

Albanian by birth, Italian by adoption, Stavri Pici studied Computer Engineering and graduated with the highest grades at the La Sapienza University of Rome specializing in computer networks.

He began his professional career in Armundia in 2009 as an Analyst and Developer, an experience that allows him not only to test his technical skills, but also to coordinate groups of work and guaranteeing to the customers high standards of quality and efficiency. In 2015, as part of a strategic project of national and international growth, it comes deliberated the foundation of a software house in Albania, Armundia Factory , of which he comes appointed CEO.

Under his guidance, the company has grown steadily to become one of the best known Albanians software houses and sought after by young talents wishing to evolve in a business context very attentive to technological progress.